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Submit! |
So you got a book from the Biblio-Mat and it looks
interesting? Submit an entry to this blog!
Can anyone submit?
Yes! I don’t discriminate (unless I don’t like you). Repeat
submissions are welcomed. Do this enough and you might even get a ticket to
come aboard the crazy train.
Do I have to write a review?
Nope! Send in anything you’d like. You can do a review like
I have done in the past or do a mini-write up, whatever floats your boat. Heck,
you don’t even need to read the thing - judging books by their covers is highly
encouraged here. If it looks interesting, submit some pics. If it’s inspiring,
submit a work of art influenced by it – photography projects, carvings, drawings,
even needlepoint (good luck). It doesn’t even have to be physical – submit a
song, a reading, or even some interpretive dance (I really hope someone sends
in an interpretive dance). I’ll post anything that looks entertaining.
Does it have to be a Biblio-Mat book?
Of course! That’s the name of the game. However, once in a
while I might entertain the idea of featuring a book someone found at The Monkey’s Paw, but it damn well better be a ridiculously fascinating book or have
some crazy story behind it. If you want to plug a book related event, though,
shoot me an email!
Will you publish everything submitted to you?
Oh dear god, no. Rule 34 alone makes this a bad idea. Posts will always be curated but if it’s at least somewhat coherent and doesn’t land me in
too much trouble it’ll probably go up.
What do I need to send you?
- Your name/alias you want on your entry
- A website/email attached to your byline if you so wish
- A description of sorts - doesn't have to be an actual review! (Light editing for grammar and
spelling will probably be done)
- Pictures! (They’re worth 1000 words. Probably
more nowadays with inflation)
- Your consent to have it published here (Just kidding – it’s
already assumed!)
- Whatever else you'd like to send me (Keep nudes tasteful, please)
That’s all there is to it. Send your submissions to
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